From the BI article (in which one could easily find-and-replace "failure" with "success", "incompetence" with "competence", etc. and have a more clarifying explanation, but still):
"Indeed, one of the commissioners, Richard Ben-Veniste, told Insider he still had questions today about what Bush knew, and when.
"I could never square in my mind CIA Director Tenet's intense preoccupation with the Al Qaeda threat in the months leading up to 9/11, with his claim that he never briefed President Bush on the many clues the intelligence community had developed that bin Laden was planning to launch a 'spectacular' attack on the US homeland," Ben-Veniste said.
The commission report's approach to this mystery is to make the apparent disconnect between CIA and the Oval Office sound like something out of a Greek tragedy: "No one working on these late [Al Qaeda] leads in the summer of 2001 connected them to the high level of threat reporting … no analytic work foresaw the lightning that could connect the thundercloud to the ground."
What the new memo makes clear is that the White House's lack of urgency in facing down the domestic Qaeda threat wasn't all that complicated. Tenet, the record shows, did everything he could to get Bush to focus on Al Qaeda. Bush just wasn't interested."
Alternatively, Tenet was covering his/the CIA's ass, but still (again), nice new limited hangout fresh off the presses.
Txs a lot for all this info about the Commission work and failures...
Be aware that others are writing that CIA is just a little responsible, the big ones are in Pentagon and in another country...
If you think to the old Latin say "Cui bono?" you get the answer pretty easy.
And that guys of that country wrote a book about the Coups or regime change in 7 different Muslim countries in 1996, and it happened after 9/11 in almost 5 of them and in the last years in the remaining ones...
Bernie would not believe in anything but the 9-11 official story and he never had any intention of enacting anything that came out of his loud mouth but for providing cover for democrats and corralling good citizens into voting for endless war and genocide. The proof is he kept supporting the exact people who “cheated” him
Sean was onto a lot of stuff here, but he missed one glaring thing. He probably didn’t want to be smeared as an anti-Semite for it, but there is another pretty obvious truth as to who was behind a lot of what happened on 9/11.
Not sure if Sean has seen The Corbett Report’s video about 9/11 in 5 minutes but it’s outstanding.
About 2 years ago, @Joe published a video he complied making a case as well that it’s pretty obvious that Israel was involved, or as Joe said in a tweet, “Israel Did 9/11.”
Hey Sean, thought you might be interested in this if you haven't seen this already:
Direct link to declassified memo:
From the BI article (in which one could easily find-and-replace "failure" with "success", "incompetence" with "competence", etc. and have a more clarifying explanation, but still):
"Indeed, one of the commissioners, Richard Ben-Veniste, told Insider he still had questions today about what Bush knew, and when.
"I could never square in my mind CIA Director Tenet's intense preoccupation with the Al Qaeda threat in the months leading up to 9/11, with his claim that he never briefed President Bush on the many clues the intelligence community had developed that bin Laden was planning to launch a 'spectacular' attack on the US homeland," Ben-Veniste said.
The commission report's approach to this mystery is to make the apparent disconnect between CIA and the Oval Office sound like something out of a Greek tragedy: "No one working on these late [Al Qaeda] leads in the summer of 2001 connected them to the high level of threat reporting … no analytic work foresaw the lightning that could connect the thundercloud to the ground."
What the new memo makes clear is that the White House's lack of urgency in facing down the domestic Qaeda threat wasn't all that complicated. Tenet, the record shows, did everything he could to get Bush to focus on Al Qaeda. Bush just wasn't interested."
Alternatively, Tenet was covering his/the CIA's ass, but still (again), nice new limited hangout fresh off the presses.
Txs a lot for all this info about the Commission work and failures...
Be aware that others are writing that CIA is just a little responsible, the big ones are in Pentagon and in another country...
If you think to the old Latin say "Cui bono?" you get the answer pretty easy.
And that guys of that country wrote a book about the Coups or regime change in 7 different Muslim countries in 1996, and it happened after 9/11 in almost 5 of them and in the last years in the remaining ones...
Bernie would not believe in anything but the 9-11 official story and he never had any intention of enacting anything that came out of his loud mouth but for providing cover for democrats and corralling good citizens into voting for endless war and genocide. The proof is he kept supporting the exact people who “cheated” him
Thanks, for sharing this, Kit.
Sean was onto a lot of stuff here, but he missed one glaring thing. He probably didn’t want to be smeared as an anti-Semite for it, but there is another pretty obvious truth as to who was behind a lot of what happened on 9/11.
Not sure if Sean has seen The Corbett Report’s video about 9/11 in 5 minutes but it’s outstanding.
About 2 years ago, @Joe published a video he complied making a case as well that it’s pretty obvious that Israel was involved, or as Joe said in a tweet, “Israel Did 9/11.”
Here’s the Corbett Report video, which I am guessing Sean has seen and probably shared often
You’re on to something, methinks. :)